The primary focus of early intervention is family education, training, and support. Early Intervention is designed to enable parents and other caregivers to assess the child’s developmental need, incorporate educational and therapeutic strategies into daily routines and utilize community resources. Intervention strategies are tailored to the lifestyle of the family. It also serves as a guide to reinforce effective parenting skills that foster the growth and development of the child. Early Interventionists work collaboratively with family and/or influences to ensure that the child regardless of the severity need, will reach his or her maximum developmental potential. This is done through in-home visits and individualized family training.
Research has shown the first three years of the life are the most critical period in a child’s growth and development. Aiken County Board of Disabilities Early Interventionists/Service Coordinator will work closely with the family and/or caregiver to develop strategies into the child’s daily routines. The service coordinator with family’s request consult with speech, occupational, physical therapists, developmental specialist, clinicians, and other appropriate supports to arrange services as needed.
Who can apply:
Anyone can make a referral for early intervention services. Parents, medical providers, community agencies, and childcare providers can refer a child if there are concerns related to the child’s development. A child over three will be screened for intake through the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs to determine eligibility.
To refer a child between the ages of 3 and 6 for early intervention services, contact the Department of Disabilities and Special Needs by calling 1-800-289-7012.
Aiken County Board of Disabilities
Physical Address: 111 Gregg Avenue NW Aiken, SC 29801 / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 727 Aiken, SC 29802
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