Resources and information for people with brain injuries and their families
Resources and information for people with spinal cord injuries and their families
The CDR Library consists of books, videos, brochures, and audiotapes covering a variety of disability-related topics. The Center for Disability Resources Library is located within the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Library on Garners Ferry Road.
provides a variety of special leisure and recreational programs for all ability levels creating the opportunity for socialization with peers and community inclusion
Locate resources to assist with childcare, utilities, food, healthcare, housing, prescription assistance, education, financial counseling, and employment.
Obtain a replacement social security card or obtain information on social security benefits for qualified individuals.
Apply for State Medicaid Health Plan, locate Medicaid providers, and obtain up to date information regarding the State Medicaid Program
The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program (SCATP) uses technology devices and services to help people with disabilities live, work and learn more independently.
The mission of the SC Respite Coalition is to expand quality respite opportunities in South Carolina throughout the lifespan for South Carolina families who have a member with special needs.
Family Connection is the only Parent Training Center required in the federal, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) statue. They offer services and trainings at no cost to families.
Aiken County Board of Disabilities
Physical Address: 111 Gregg Avenue NW Aiken, SC 29801 / Mailing Address: P.O. Box 727 Aiken, SC 29802
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